Eating Healthy While Traveling – Summer Travel Tips

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Summer is here, and warmer weather often meals family vacations. Summer travel does not have to mean giving up on healthy eating. Whether you are going to the beach, another country, or just on a road trip, you can still have a healthy and happy vacation.

If you are going a road trip, you can plan ahead and pack nutritious snacks to curb any hunger pangs that may strike. Packing your own nutritious snacks also eliminates the need to stop at a fast food restaurant, which may have less-healthy options. Here are some examples of some easy travel-friendly foods:

  • Yogurt
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Ready-to-Eat Vegetables
  • Applesauce
  • Dried and Fresh Fruit
  • Popcorn
  • Trail Mix
  • Peanut Butter Sandwiches
  • Whole Grain Crackers

It is important to keep perishable items in a cooler, and also try to stick to your regular eating pattern. When stopping at a restaurant for meals, choose milk or water as a beverage choice, and opt for options with fruits and vegetables.

If you are spending the day at the beach, you can follow the same general guidelines as you would for a road trip; pack a cooler with nutritious options and make sure to bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.

If your summer travels make a trip to the airport necessary, you can still have a healthy trip. At the airport, there are nutritious and easy-to-carry options available at most kiosks, including salads with lean meat, pre-cut vegetables, fresh fruit, cheese sticks, yogurt, or whole-grain sandwiches with lean meat and vegetables. You can also pack non-perishable food items, like the ones listed above, and an empty water bottle to fill up after making it through security.

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